Lavender Angustifolia

Botanical name:
Lavandula Angustifolia
Method of extraction:
Steam distillation of flowering tops
Active ingredients:
Linalol, Acétate de Linalyle
qualityGrossoWhite FineMailletteAbrial
Logo bio européen
PDO (non-organic)
Logo AOP
Espieur (conv & organic)

Did you know?

There are different types of Lavender Angustifolia, also known as True or Officinal Lavender:

❖ Fine or “Population” Lavender
Originally gathered in the hills of Provence, it was brought into cultivation and enjoyed a major boom in the second half of the 20th century. Fine Lavender is propagated from seed and has a rich olfactory bouquet thanks to the plurality of its individual components. It is a flagship product of the fine perfume industry, also used in aromatherapy, and is uniquely French: no Essential Oil made from Fine Lavender is produced by any other country. The quality of Fine Lavender Essential Oil produced in Haute-Provence has been enhanced since the 1980s by the establishment of a PDO, which contributes to the preservation of the territory.

❖ Clonal Lavenders: Maillette and Diva
These Lavenders are propagated by cuttings and all the individuals which compose them are identical. Their use is mainly made by the perfume industry. The best known remains Maillette, which has softer characteristics due to its higher linalyl acetate content. Lavender Diva came into production more recently and has developed due to its greater resistance to disease. Its odor is more camphorous than Maillette, and its linalyl acetate level is very high, often above 40%. Clonal lavenders can be used in the composition of mixtures to meet customer specifications.

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