
Botanical name:
Lavandula Hybrida
Method of extraction:
Steam distillation of flowering tops
Active ingredients:
Linalol, Acétate de Lynalyle, Camphre
qualityFine“White” FineMailletteDiva
Logo bio européen
Espieur (conv & organic)

Did you know?

Lavandin is the result of a natural hybridization between Latifolia (Spike) Lavender and Angustifolia (Fine) Lavender. The Valensole Plateau remains its cradle.

Lavandin is naturally more camphorated than Fine Lavender and is visually distinguished by the presence of secondary spikes. Lavandin is mainly used to perfume cleaning products as well as in aromatherapy.

The most widespread remains Grosso. There are also 3 other varieties: Super, more popular with fine perfumery due to its lower camphor content, and Sumian and Abrial, less concentrated in Linalyl Acetate and more in Cineole. Today, SCA3P produces more than a quarter of the world's Lavandin production.

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