
Botanical name:
Lavandula Hybrida
Method of extraction:
Steam distillation of flowering tops
Active ingredients:
Linalol, Acétate de Lynalyle, Camphre
Origine :
qualityFine“White” FineMailletteDiva
Logo bio européen
PDO (non-organic)
Espieur (conv & organic)

Did you know?

Did you know? Lavandin Grosso, the main Lavandin variety used, is the result of natural hybridization between Spike Lavender and Fine Lavender. It has been grown in France since the beginning of the last century, along with 3 other varieties: Super, Sumian and Abrial. Lavandin is naturally more camphoraceous than its relative and is visually distinguished by the presence of secondary spikes. It is mainly used to perfume cleaning products. More incidentally, it can be used in fine perfumery, notably Super, and in aromatherapy. SCA3P produces over a quarter of the world's Lavandin.

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